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    One Ummah Blog - 2 Feb 2023

    Build Reward in Times of Hardship – Fatima Barkatulla

    We are told that there is a cost-of-living crisis that we are living through and many of us will indeed be feeling the pinch. In reality, for most of us, it is the absolute luxuries that we will probably cut down on and for many others, there really will be no real suffering involved at all.

    Cost of Living Crisis

    We are told that there is a cost-of-living crisis that we are living through and many of us will indeed be feeling the pinch. In reality, for most of us, it is the absolute luxuries that we will probably cut down on and for many others, there really will be no real suffering involved at all.

    Counting Allah's Favors

    "Were you to count the favours of Allah you shall never be able to encompass them. Verily man is highly unjust, exceedingly ungrateful."

    Qur’an 14:34

    Importance of Gratitude

    It’s easy to start forgetting our blessings at a time like this, which is why it’s important to remind ourselves of the Hadith of the Prophet:

    Prophetic Advice

    "Look at those below you (in blessings) and do not look at those above you, for it is the best way not to belittle the favours of Allah."

    [Bukhari & Muslim]

    Global Wealth Perspective

    The truth is that if we have access to the internet and are reading this article, we most probably remain in the top percentage of wealthy people in terms of global wealth, such that people around the world who are suffering from poverty would consider us to be living lives of luxury. There is always someone who has less than us and there are plenty of people around the world who we could still help and share our wealth with.

    Pakistan's Monsoon Crisis

    Take Pakistan for instance, Pakistan is suffering right now as the heavy monsoon rains of last year have caused some of the worst flooding the country has seen in the last 12 years. Millions of people have been cut off and are relying on help to survive.

    At least 1300 people have died since mid-June, including 343 children, according to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), with large swaths of the southwestern province of Balochistan remaining submerged, bringing back the memory of the devastating 2010 floods. Balochistan is known for its very cold winters and warm summers. Now that the winter has hit, they need our help more than ever.

    Challenges in Yemen, Gaza, and Afghanistan

    In Yemen, millions of our brothers and sisters have been displaced, in Gaza, the living conditions are dire and in Afghanistan, people have been through difficulty after difficulty for many decades of war and sanctions.

    Millions of people around the world are fighting for survival with children losing their lives in sub-zero temperatures because they have inadequate supplies to keep warm.

    Those in need require hot meals, Emergency Aid Packs, hygiene kits and medical aid packs. Alhamdulillah we never have to really think about the fact that we have central heating, hot water out of our taps, hot meals and warm beds.

    • Du’a for Others Of course, we can and should make du’a for our brothers and sisters around the world.

    • Utilize Resources We should also use the resources Allah blessed us with and entrusted us with.

    • Provide Direct Relief We should help those who are on the ground in these countries to provide the much-needed relief.

    Prophet's Guidance on Helping Others

    "Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and the Hereafter."

    [Saheeh Muslim]

    Benefits of Charity

    So when we help others for Allah’s sake and ease a burden for them, not only do we have the satisfaction of having helped our brother or sister in Islam, but Allah sees that act and removes the hardship that we may be facing in this life and in the next too! What a great return on investment!

    On top of this, giving is a means to avert calamities and great losses in our own lives. The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” [Al-Tirmidhi]

    One Ummah Charity's Efforts

    The good news is that One Ummah Charity is on the ground in these very places and has been providing relief to those in need with the very things they need most. It also has a 100% donation policy which means every penny you give will go to the beneficiaries direct needs. This is because One Ummah has a separately funded admin department.

    One Ummah is providing Winter Packs in 15 crisis-hit countries, like Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and many other countries in need. These packs can include a hat, gloves, scarf, blanket, coat, and heater to save precious lives.

    For only £100, up to 5 people receive a life-saving winter pack. Let’s help them save lives by DONATING NOW


    When we do so, we not only help save lives and bring relief, we show Allah our Creator and Sustainer that we are grateful for what he has provided us with and care about our brothers and sisters around the world, we avert calamities and problems in our own lives and we ensure that through helping our brother or sister with the difficulties of this world, Allah will make things easy for us in the next.