Zakah is 2.5% of a Muslims income and savings after they have taken care of their families. It is an obligation like the five daily prayers, and is not a voluntary act of worship.
What Is Zakah
Zakah is not an option it is a compulsory act for all Muslims. It is an act in which one pays 2.5% of their annual savings to those in need. It is a religious duty which washes away impurities from our provision and ensures excess wealth is distributed amongst those in need.
Based on the gold price of
£71.63 per gram
Based on the silver price of
£0.80 per gram
When should zakah be paid?
The minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess before they become eligible to pay Zakat.
A lunar Year (354 Days/Islamic Year) has passed on it after reaching the Nisaab.
How Much Do I Pay?
so the minimum current amount is: £6,266.57 before Zakah is due to be paid. For example if a year had passed on this amount you would pay 2.5% of this which would be £156.66. If you had £5,000.00 in wealth/assets saved and a year had passed on it then you would pay £125.00
In the bank or at home and that which is saved for anything specific.
In the bank or at home and that which is saved for anything specific.
The value of the shares you own at their market price.
If it is expected to be repaid.
The balance sheet value of the Stock you possess.
Any rental income that’s been saved of the year.
Zakah is not an option it is a compulsory act for all Muslims. It is an act in which one pays 2.5% of their annual savings to those in need. It is a religious duty which washes away impurities from our provision and ensures excess wealth is distributed amongst those in need.
Live Nisaab Values : Gold:£6,266.57
Step 1 of 3
Tip: Own none, just click continue
Here you can find the most common questions from other donors related to this appeal.
The linguistic/literal, or denotative definition of the word zakat (sometimes spelt zakah) is “increase,” as in growth (nama). The word also connotes “purification” (taharah)
The shar’i definition of the word Zakat is ‘’that which purifies’’, showing that giving zakat is a means of purification for the one giving
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Zakah is one of the Pillars of Islam and an islamic obligation that must be performed once a year. Zakah is not an option it is a // compulsory act for all Muslims. It is an act in which one pays 2.5% of their annual savings to those in need.
It is a religious duty which washes away impurities from our provision and ensures excess wealth is distributed amongst those in need.
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